Monday, December 17, 2007

The Inaugural Post

I can remember when Al Gore first invented the internet. I would tingle all over as I listened to the high pitched squeals of my computer connecting. I would stare in awe as my computer screen very slowly filled with animated gifs. It was a simplier time then. Questions about global warming and unjust wars were unheard of. Instead, the toughtest question one came across was a/s/l? And you were never asked it in real time. Oh no! You had the pure joy of reloading the page of the chat line incessantly to see what total strangers, usually Australian, had to say.

As the years go by, the internet can do more and more things. Just today, my very own internet made me a sandwich! But even with all the social networks, 3D multiplayer games, and various products owned by Google, most of the new and shiny seems to have rubbed off. While I use the internet everyday and it's undoubtedly become a way of life, it is almost a chore to use a search engine. "Surfing the web" has been replaced with "wading through the endless swamp of crap". (Not as catchy, I know.) I don't even need bookmarks any more because I seem to have my own little piece of the web that consists of half a dozen websites at most.

So, when I do actually come across something that makes me laugh or something that is so bizarre that it's entertaining, a little bit of that modem-squealing, animated-giffy, interwebby goodness is reclaimed. And that's what brings me to this blog. I have taken it upon myself to retreive those gold nuggets and share them with you, my soon-to-be faithful readers. This is the stuff that the internet was built on!

. . . Well, actually, that might have been porn.

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