Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I will be the first to admit that I primarily use the internet for entertainment. I like to laugh and my laptop is usually a lot closer than the nearest Yuk Yuks. However, every now and then I come across a website that reminds me of the power to good that the internet holds. The internet would gain back some of its respect if only a fraction of those porn sites could focus on making sure people get the meat they need on their tables instead of . . . well . . .making sure Bambi gets the meat she need on. . . You get the point!

Recently, I was listening to a radio program that showcased Kiva.org. If you do nothing else worthwhile today, do me the favour of clicking on that link. Their product is completely inspiring. Kiva uses the internet as a tool to work toward alleviating the devestation and desperation of poverty in the third world. And the way that they do it is completely personal and fun!

Basically, Kiva gets lenders like me and you to give them a very small amount of money (as little as $25) that they in turn loan to entrepreneurs in the developing world. Your inner paranoia may be screaming, "Scam!" but you'll be interested to discover that 99.3% of these loans are repayed. (And if Dr. Phil has taught us anything it's if Oprah promotes something it must be great! roflmao

When you go to the site (and I'm confident you will), you'll see that you can browse through all the entrepreneurial projects looking for funding and decide for yourself which one you would like to contribute to. The array of project is astonishing. They range from taxi services to basketweaving to poultry farming.

So, if you have a few extra pounds, dollars, clams, or lumps of dough to spare, strongly consider doing this. In the end, it doesn't end up costing you anything but it helps so much in giving people a purpose in life, a chance to provide for themselves and their families. Don't let Oprah scare you off. Give it a click!


Anonymous said...

You should check out http://freerice.com/

It's another interesting way to help people. and it's somewhat fun too.

Charlotte Rose said...

Hey, I love the ideas on your blog. You visited my blog alittle while ago and left a lovely comment. Thank you. I have only finally settled down somewhere where I can use the internet all the time now. Great blog keep up the good work and I loved that link.

Nights_that_never_end said...

Awsome blog! Here's a site you might like, I can't remember how I found it but it's funny.


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